Tom and Jerry: Defenders of All Things Right and Good

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Thank God for small blessings......

There was common Catholic blog theme a couple of weeks back, in which each blogger listed the "Five Things I Love About Jesus". I thought about joining in here on Tom and Jerry, but I really couldn't come up with anything that wasn't already said, and said better, somewhere else. Mostly, I love that He puts up with me. Other than that, I'm not sure where to go next.

However, being the media culture maven that I am, a thought did cross my mind as I was foraging through the magazine racks at the local Gas-N-Sip: I love that He came 2000 years ago and not today. In our age of media frenzy, I can only imagine how the life of Christ would play out in 21st century media and culture:

Unwed Virgin Teen Miraculously Conceives: Is She On Steriods?

Unwed Virgin Teen Miraculously Conceives
Inspired, HBO Plans Mini-Series “Sex In Judea”

Miraculous Conception Proof Of Global Warming Says Al Gore
Patriarchal Savior Born After Teen Fails To Exercise Her Right To Choose

Three Kings Bring Child Gifts Of Gold, Frankencense, And Myrrh
Millions Wonder “What The Hell Are Frankencense And Myrrh?”

Jesus, Missing For 3 Days, Found by Parents In Temple
Child Services Notified

ACLU Sues To Prevent Jesus From Attending Public Schools

Jesus Tempted To Turn Stones To Bread
Lack Of Bread In Desert Proof Of Global Warming Says Al Gore

‘Temptation In Desert’ Accounts “Too Biased Against Devil” Say Modern Moralists
“Jesus And Satan Just Have Different Truths”

Jesus Forgives Prostitute
Inspired, HBO Plans Mini-Series “Hookers In Jerusalem”

Jesus Walks On Water: Is He On Steriods?

Skeptical Inquirer:
No Scientific Explanation For Jesus Walking On Water
“We’ll make one up” vow Skeptics

Entire World Watches Sermon On The Mount Webcast
Report: Only People On Earth Not Watching Were On Notre Dame Football Message Board Arguing About Future Football Schedules

Wash. Post:
Jesus’ Friend Lazarus Dies
Bush To Blame

Wash. Times:
Jesus Brings Lazarus Back To Life
Bush Deserves Credit

Jesus Names Fisherman As 'Rock' Of New Church
PETA, Greenpeace Outraged

ESPN Classic:
Tonight at 8:30pm Eastern -
Top 5 Reasons You Can’t Blame Judas For Betraying Jesus

Jesus Stripped And Beaten
Inspired, HBO Plans Mini-Series “G-String Divas In Bondage”
Vote: Who’s “Now”? ____ Jesus ____Barabbas

Johnnie Cochran Represents Caiaphas At Jesus’ Trial
Tells Pilate “Jesus Ain’t Our Guy, So You Must Crucify”

Coverage On ABC:
Voiceover: “This crucifixion brought to you by Ace Hardware.....”

New York Times:
Jesus Crucified
Women And Minorities Affected Most

Darkness, Earthquakes Accompanying Jesus’ Death Proof Of Global Warming Says Al Gore

Jesus Rises From Dead: Is He The Best Savior Ever?

Skeptical Inquirer:
Real Explanation For Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances
“500 People All Had Identical Hallucinations At Same Time. No, really.” claim Skeptics

Coverage On ABC:
Voiceover: "This resurrection from the dead brought to you by Viagra....."


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